
Postdoc Position - Soil Health & Hydrology

Position: Soil Health-Hydrology Postdoctoral Scholar

Details/apply: https://employment.ku.edu/jobs/staff/postdoctoral-researcher/27741br (review begins June 3)

Starting Date/Term: January 2025 (flexible and can be shifted earlier or later if needed). The initial appointment will be for one year with the expectation of renewal assuming satisfactory performance.


Recruiting a Watershed Modeller in BC, Canada

Research Scientist Position in Watershed Modelling

We are recruiting a research scientist to work on watershed modelling problems at the Hakai Institute. The first objective is a stream temperature modelling study in collaboration with Dr. Dan Moore of University of British Columbia and Dr. Jordan Benner of the Nanwakolas Council

Supporting Material(s): 

Hemuqiao Experimental Station

Brief Site Description: 
Taihu Basin, southeastern China
Detailed Site Description: 

The Hemuqiao Hydrological Experimental Station (119°47′05″-119°48′20″, 30°34′05″-30°34′55″, 135ha) located in the upstream of Taihu Basin, China. The catchment is characterized by steep slopes of 25º-45º. Being elevated at 600 m asl in the southwest region, the elevation is decreasing to 160 m asl at the outlet of the catchment. The average annual precipitation is about 1580 mm, and the average annual evaporation and temperature are 805 mm and 14.6ºC, respectively. The underlain bed rocks at catchment mainly consist of sandstone and rhyolitic welded crystal tuff. The vegetation is dominated by Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis), covering about 68% of the whole area. Precipitation during the summer months (June–August) usually produces high-intensity short-duration storm events, while low-intensity rainfall events are more common during the winter months (December–February).  The soil texture in the catchment varies from silt in the topsoil (e.g., 0–40 cm) to silt loam in the subsoil according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) classification system. The soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks ) declines exponentially with depth, especially at sites with thick soils (e.g., valley floor). 

Field Site Type: 
Study Start Date: 
2010 to 2023
Mean Annual Precipitation: 
1 580 millimeters / year
Average Annual Temperature: 
Land Cover: 
Evergreen Forest
Mixed Forest
Soil Order: 
Hydrology: Name: 
Hydrology: Surface water stream order: 
First Order
Hydrology: Surface water - Stream Flow Performance: 
Hydrology: Groundwater: 
Arrangment of Aquifer Components - Single, dominant unconfined aquifer
Group visibility: 
Public - accessible to all site users

Hydro-bio-geo Research Project Coordinator

Description: The Kansas Biological Survey (Amy Burgin) and Kansas Geological Survey (Sam Zipper, Erin Seybold) are recruiting a Research Project Coordinator to provide assistance, logistical support, organizational services, and facilitate project wide communication for several on-going funded research projects.

3x M.S./Ph.D. positions on water, agriculture, and communities in the eastern Great Plains

We are recruiting up to three graduate students (M.S. or Ph.D.) to begin in summer/fall 2022 for a new USDA-funded project investigating how agriculture, water, and communities in the eastern Great Plains can manage and adapt to future climate conditions.

GSA session - Water Storage and Transit in Bedrock and Implications for Critical Zone Evolution, Stream Chemistry, Climate, and Ecosystems

Dear Critical Zone community,
Please consider submitting an abstract to Geological Society of America (GSA) Connects session T58: Water Storage and Transit in Bedrock and Implications for Critical Zone Evolution, Stream Chemistry, Climate, and Ecosystems.

Postdoc in Critical Zone Hydrology and Geochemistry

Job Offer UMR5245-JEAPRO-003

Postdoc in Critical Zone Hydrology and Geochemistry

Send your candidature directly on the CNRS website for Job Offers :


Short URL : https://bit.ly/2NqNyMj

Supporting Material(s):