
Geohydrology Internship Program (paid summer research for undergrad or grad students)

The Kansas Geological Survey's Geohydrology Internship Program is hiring 3-5 interns for summer 2022 to contribute to a variety of projects including investigating water quantity and quality in intermittent streams; using remotely sensed data and crop models to evaluating irrigation management for groundwater sustainability; and characterizing the drivers of water availability and water quality in the Kansas River corridor.

GSA session - Water Storage and Transit in Bedrock and Implications for Critical Zone Evolution, Stream Chemistry, Climate, and Ecosystems

Dear Critical Zone community,
Please consider submitting an abstract to Geological Society of America (GSA) Connects session T58: Water Storage and Transit in Bedrock and Implications for Critical Zone Evolution, Stream Chemistry, Climate, and Ecosystems.

Request an Ecohydrologist

Hello Critical Zone Colleagues!

The AGU Ecohydrology Technical Committee is compiling a database of self-identified ecohydrologists as a community resource to help people find ecohydrology speakers/experts, and to take a census of the discipline. The database will be included on the AGU Ecohydrology website:

PHD opportunity in Hydrology

The Hydrology Research Group at Duke University is looking for highly motivated PhD students in the field of hydrological processes, data analytics, optimization and modeling. Projects in the research group seek to provide information on the interaction between climate, vegetation, land use, topography and hydro-geology on the spatio-temporal variability of surface and subsurface hydrologic processes.