Adirondack Mountains
Adirondack Mountain site, NY, underlain by bedrock of granitic gneiss. Two primary sites - one near Big Moose Lake (till) and the other near Barnes Lake (outwash). Another site of possible interest, with data collected from previous studies, is in the Town of Webb, a few miles west of Old Forge. Soils in the region have developed on till and outwash sands, the mineralogy of which is heavily influenced by the underlying bedrock. Soils are predominantly Spodosols, with profiles less than 1 meter thick. Forest canopy is mixed and dominated by beech, red maple, some sugar maple, white and yellow birch, hemlock, spruce and some white pine. Average annual temperature is approximately 40ºF and average annual rainfall is approximately 115 cm. Climate is moist, cold-temperate.