AGU Session Announcement on International CZ Research

Dear Colleagues, On behalf of my co-conveners, I would like to bring to your attention to an AGU-session on:

EP019 "International Critical Zone Research: Status, Networking and Challenges"

Session ID#: 8692

that we are planning for the Fall AGU Meeting (14-18 December 2015, San Francisco).

The deadline for abstract submission is already August 5th, 2015.

To submit an abstract to this session please visit:

AGU 2015 Session: Modeling the Critical Zone: Integrating Processes and Data across Disciplines and Scales

Session ID#: 7751; Session Description: Critical Zone (CZ) evolution and function depend on a suite of tightly coupled processes (e.g. meteorological, hydrological, geochemical, geomorphological, and biological) that are influenced by the surface and subsurface heterogeneity over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales.

B052: Multi-Scale and Integrated Sensing for Watershed Science

American Geophysical Union -- Session ID# 8983 Description: Gaining a predictive understanding of dynamic ecosystem and hydrological processes in watersheds involves complex surface and subsurface hydrology, biogeochemistry, and vegetation dynamics. Heterogeneous properties and responses are needed in sufficiently detailed spatial and temporal resolution. However, properties and responses must be averaged, translated, and/or upscaled to integrate over the entire watershed or watersheds. While there has been some progress towards developing multi-scale approaches to understand and predict watershed-scale behavior, the community still struggles to extrapolate knowledge beyond the point scale. However, advances in technology and interdisciplinary cooperation are changing this trend.

Public Consultation on International CZOs

Register your views on the draft science agenda and next steps for organizing international CZO research 

An international meeting of Critical Zone (CZ) researchers supported by the US NSF and the European Commission FP7 project SoilTrEC met at the University of Delaware during November 2011. The meeting summarised international advances in CZ science and took the initial steps towards forming an international Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) research programme and a 10-year CZ science agenda. The full report from that meeting has been published by the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, and is now available for download. 

We invite public input on the 1-page outline plan for developing an international CZO research programme.

Thank you in advance for your participation in this consultation.

Public Consultation on International CZOs