Faculty position in Soil Science - Pedology at Oregon State University

The Department of Crop and Soil Sciences (CSS) invites applications for a full time (1.00 FTE), 9-month, tenure-track Soil Science Assistant Professor position with expertise in pedology, soil genesis and morphology, soil landscape analysis or related areas.  Candidates that bridge these areas with other soil science disciplines that are complementary to the existing strengths of the department are also encouraged to apply. 


Tenure-track position in Critical Zone Hydrology at University of Virginia

The Department of Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia is searching for an Assistant Prof in the general area of critical zone hydrology. The attached ad that includes more details about the position and how to apply. We are planning to start reviewing applications in early January.

UC Santa Barbara Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Geobiology and Bio-Geochemistry

The Department of Earth Science at the University of California Santa Barbara invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the level of Assistant Professor, with an anticipated start date of July 1, 2023. The Department seeks applicants in the field of Geobiology/Biogeochemistry.

PhD Assistantship in soil rare earth element biogeochemistry

We are recruiting a PhD student to study biological exudates that solubilize rare earth elements (REYs) from soils. Only recently have microbes been identified that require REYs for growth and survival. This NSF-funded project investigates potential organic exudates that microbes might use to obtain REYs from soil environments.