!! Two graduate positions available on groundwater and agriculture decision science !!

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Thursday, July 1, 2021 - 21:45

We are recruiting two graduate students (M.S./Ph.D. track) to begin in summer/fall 2022 to contribute to a new project studying how farmers, water managers, and scientists understand and use groundwater models to support water use decisions. The students will work closely with project scientists (Chloe Wardropper, University of Idaho; Sam Zipper, Kansas Geological Survey/University of Kansas; Adam Zwickle, Michigan State University) to connect refined models of groundwater-surface water ecosystem services with research on how people make decisions regarding natural resource management to address fundamental gaps between foundational and applied science. These students will work closely together, so interdisciplinary enthusiasm and collaborative skills are a must.

Please see the links below for specific details, qualifications, and how to apply for each position:

Hydrogeology-focused position: https://www.samzipper.com/join/

Social science position: https://chloewardropper.weebly.com/opportunities.html

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