TUM-CZO will operate at the watershed scale (carbonatic Ammer Catchment, alpine Ammer Mts. and foreland; crystalline Otter Catchment, mid-mountainous Bavarian Forest) involving long term environmental research sites (Höglwald, Scheyern, etc.) processed by TUM-CZO people. Moreover TUM-CZO is in cooperation with TERENO PreAlpine.
Our aims are measuring fluxes in geo-, bio-, hydro- and atmosphere, to observing it over a longer period in order to isolate key forcing that influence the TUM-CZO sites. Contemporaneously, the influence of identified key forcing (e.g. extreme metereological phenomena in steep alpine areas) will be cross-checked in geoarchives in order to validate and adjust CZ-processes. This knowledge should help justifying and calibrating prognostic scenarios and models.
PI: Prof. Dr. Jörg Völkel
CO-PI: Dr. Marie Eden