The Skogaryd Research Station is located approx. 100 km north of Gothenburg, Sweden. The area as a research facility is fairly new established and provides a high international standard. The foundation of Skogaryd addresses questions on a landscape level regarding greenhouse gas fluxes. The area can be divided into specific environments; mires, clear cur, drained forests, lakes, streams.
The measurement program in Skogaryd includes, flux measurements from forests as well as streams and lakes along with chemical analyses. Research utilizing Skogaryds facilities include several high tech experiments.
Researchers are provided with a high tech infrastructure in the field. Advance instruments for flux of abiotic and biotic parameters. Cabins in Skogaryd are used for lodging, office, education, and storage. Field crew, with local knowledge, high tech sensor and instrument knowledge can assist during fieldwork.
A workshop for wood and plastics hand craft as well as work related to electronic repairs and development are provided. A nearby farm provides an advance workshop for repair of field equipment.
For access to observations and data from measurement programs in Skogaryd please contact the station manager, or explore the interactive map.
Skogaryd is part of SITES infrastructures SITES Water, SITES AquaNet and SITES Spectral.
The homepage of Skogaryd can be found here.