Röbäcksdalen research station


63° 48' 38.988" N, 20° 14' 31.164" E
Brief Site Description: 
Röbäcksdalen research station represents an agricultural landscape where animals are included (e.g. manure, leys, pasture).
Detailed Site Description: 

The Röbäcksdalen research station is located in Umeå and was established nearly 60 years ago. The location along the northern coastal regions on delta sediments provides soils well suited for farming. Within SITES, Röbäcksdalen has established a facility for research about future strategies regarding sustainable farming. In total approximately 100 trials are performed each year divided on four fields. 

The facilities at Röbäcksdalen provide fields for studies in a wide range of subjects, e.g. agricultural sciences, biology, agroecology, soil science and environmental science. Personnel at the station are experts on agro ecological field research and can assisting researchers in design planning and if needed, sampling. From several of the long term field trials data and in some cases archived physicals samples (soil and plat tissues) are available.

For access to observations and data from measurement programs in Röbäcksdalen please contact the station manager, explore Röbäcksdalen base program of parameters and sampling plots

Röbäcksdalen is part of SITES infrastructures SITES Water and SITES Spectral.

The homepage of Röbäcksdalen can be found here.

Field Site Type: 
Study Start Date: 
Land Cover: 
Agriculture- Pasture
Agriculture- Crops
Group visibility: 
Public - accessible to all site users