The history of Qianyanzhou Station
In 1982, the station was founded by CAS as the pilot experimental site of Integrated Scientific Survey in Mountainous-hilly Region of South China. In 1985, it was designated as the base of Integrated Development Demonstration Base of Mountain-Lake-River Project of Jiangxi Province. In 1998, the CAS and Jiangxi Provincial Government officially established the Station and gave its present name. In 1992, MAB nominated it as an international experimental station, and UND Jiangxi Project used as a training center. Since 1998, it has been one of the basic CERN stations. In 2002, Jiangxi Key Laboratory for Ecological Process and Information System was established and affiliated to the station.
Long-term Objective of Qianyanzhou Station
The long-term objective is to study the ecological process and the environmental impacts of ecosystem degradation and restoration. In recent years, priorities have been given to the study on carbon and water Fluxes of forests, the impact of UV-B enrichment on agricultural ecosystem the sustainable management of water and soil resources and integrated river basin management.
The Major Tasks of Qianyanzhou Station
- The characteristics of material cycle in ecosystem and its environmental impacts
- Forest primary productivity and its structure at community level.
- Mechanism of sustentation and measures of conservation of subtropical forest ecosystem
- Policy options for degraded ecosystem restoration
- Hydrological process and river basins management
- Eco-information integration, resolution and data sharing
- Regional ecosystem management and sustainable development strategic studies
For more information, visit http://english.igsnrr.cas.cn/fs/ss/200903/t20090311_8871.html.
CAS Director: LIU Qijing