Processes Governing Alkaline Groundwater Chemistry within a Fractured Rock (Ophiolitic Mélange) Aquifer Underlying a Seasonally Inhabited Headwater Area in the Aladağlar Range (Adana, Turkey)

TitleProcesses Governing Alkaline Groundwater Chemistry within a Fractured Rock (Ophiolitic Mélange) Aquifer Underlying a Seasonally Inhabited Headwater Area in the Aladağlar Range (Adana, Turkey)
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsGüler C, Thyne GD, Tağa H, Yıldırım Ü


cuneytguler's picture

The aim of this study was to investigate natural and anthropogenic processes governing the chemical composition of alkaline groundwater within a fractured rock (ophiolitic mélange) aquifer underlying a seasonally inhabited headwater area in the Aladağlar Range (Adana, Turkey). Dataset used in PHREEQC modeling is also available from the journal homepage.