PhD scholarship: The metabolic regimens of intermittent streams
The Centre for Coastal Biogeochemistry at Southern Cross University (Lismore, Australia) is offering a PhD scholarship to explore the metabolic regimens of intermittent streams.
The development of field-deployable and relatively cheap dissolved oxygen sensors has started to lift the lid on the metabolism of freshwater streams. However, it is unclear how intermittent streams, where flows cease completely for part of the year, fit into these conceptual models. This is a particularly significant knowledge gap in Australia, where >70% of waterways run dry every year.
The PhD candidate will work to address this knowledge gap with the SCU-based research team led by Prof Bradley Eyre, Assoc Prof Joanne Oakes, Dr Judith Rosentreter, as well as overseas collaborators Dr Naomi Wells (Lincoln University) and Assoc Prof Alberto Borges (University of Liège). This project will involve using a field and computational approaches, which will broadly include, 1) using sensor networks to explore how climate v light regulate the metabolic regimens of sub-tropical streams, and, 2) incorporating impacts of flood v drought cycles into stream metabolism assessments. This is an exciting opportunity to help define the ‘carbon footprint’ for stream flow variability.
Applicants must have an Honours or Masters degree, undertaken in English, in a related field such as hydrology, biogeochemistry, environmental science, limnology, geochemistry, or ecology. Previous research experience with modelling, programming languages, or data science approaches will be advantageous.
The scholarship is currently valued at $28,854 (tax free) pa over three years. Tuition is waived. This position is open to both Australian and international applicants. Interested applicants should send their CV and a ~1 page statement highlighting their research experience and interests, with respect to the criteria above, to Assoc Prof Joanne Oakes (joanne.oakes@scu.edu.au). Only short-listed applicants will be notified.
The closing date for applications is 13 April 2022, with an anticipated start date of no later than September 2022.