PhD opportunity: Dynamics of organic and inorganic carbon in carbonate soils

Article Type: 


IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN)
Start Date: 
Monday, April 12, 2021 - 11:00

The Rock-Eval® (RE) thermal analysis was developed at IFPEN during the 1970’s as a standard benchmark tool in oil exploration, and became more and more frequently used during the last 20 years in soil science in order to characterize soil organic matter and its thermal stability. While soil organic carbon (C) is a well-established research topic in agriculture and climate concerns, inorganic C remains disregarded. However, the precipitation of secondary carbonate contributes to increase C stocks by trapping organic C into inorganic forms, promoting its sequestration in soils. Emissions of CO2 derived from inorganic C were also observed. [EV1] We propose an integrated approach to characterize and quantify the organic and inorganic forms of C in different soil types using RE technology. This approach will consist of combining (1) analyses of different RE signals, to precisely characterize and quantify the organic C pools according to their cracking temperatures, with (2) complementary geochemical approaches (petrographic and isotopic) aiming at characterizing and quantifying primary and secondary carbonates in diverse carbonate soils. Co-advised by Dr. T. Chevallier (IRD) and Prof. Eric P. Verrecchia (UNIL), the PhD project will benefit from the support of teams and technical platforms available at IFPEN (Rueil-Malmaison-France), UMR Eco&Sols (Montpellier-France) and UNIL (Lausanne- Switzerland).

Keywords: Soil Science, Thermal analysis, C sequestration, Carbonate precipitation, Measuring Reporting and Verification

Academic supervisor: Dr, CHEVALLIER Tiphaine, UMR Eco&Sols, Montpellier, tiphaine.chevallier[at]ird[dot]fr,

Doctoral school: Ecole Doctorale 584, Gaïa, Université de Montpellier,

IFPEN supervisor: Dr, KOWALEWSKI Isabelle, Sciences Sols et Sous-Sols,  isabelle.kowalewski[at]ifpen[dot]fr,

PhD location: IFP Energies Nouvelles, Rueil-Malmaison, France (2/3 of the working time); Eco&Sols, Montpellier, France; Biogéosciences, Univ. Lausanne, Suisse

Duration and start date: 3 years, starting in December 2021

Employer: IFP Energies Nouvelles, Rueil-Malmaison, France

Academic requirements: University Master’s degree in Soil Science, Earth Sciences, Organic Chemistry, or Agronomy

Language skills: Fluency in French or English, willingness to learn French

Other requirements: Skills in mineral and organic chemistry and laboratory activities; Interest for metrology; Adaptability; Autonomy; Teamwork

To apply, please send your cover letter and CV to the IFPEN supervisor indicated here above.

About IFP Energies nouvelles

IFP Energies nouvelles is a French public-sector research, innovation and training centre. Its mission is to develop efficient, economical, clean and sustainable technologies in the fields of energy, transport, and the environment. For more information, see our WEB site.

IFPEN offers a stimulating research environment, with access to first in class laboratory infrastructures and computing facilities. IFPEN offers competitive salary and benefits packages. All PhD students have access to dedicated seminars and training sessions. For more information, please see our dedicated WEB pages.



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