PhD and post-doc opportunities in surficial processes at UMass-Amherst

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Tuesday, September 21, 2021 - 10:45

I am seeking a PhD student and a post-doctoral researcher to join the geomorphology group at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. The student and post-doc will work on a project funded by the U.S. Department of Energy at the East River watershed near Crested Butte, Colorado: The overall goal of the project is to advance our quantitative understanding of the importance biotic and abiotic processes play in influencing chemical weathering rates and solute generation in mountain landscapes. The East River is an exciting hub of biogeochemical, critical zone, hydrology, and surface process research and this is a great opportunity for motivated individuals to become involved in a dynamic scientific community.

The PhD student will develop a project focusing on the influence of vegetation, climate, and lithology on physical and chemical weathering rates and will receive training in cosmogenic nuclide and solid-phase geochemistry methods, as well as in techniques for analyzing and modeling a diverse suite of spatial and timeseries datasets (lidar, imagery, climatology) available for the East River watershed. UMass has excellent clean lab facilities for cosmogenic nuclide geochemistry.

The post-doctoral researcher will develop a project focused on assessing the influence of different geomorphic transport processes on solute generation using aqueous geochemistry and reactive transport modeling methods. The post-doctoral researcher will also collaborate with Dr. Matt Winnick, who runs to UMass Environmental Geochemistry Laboratory on analytical and computational methods.

Please contact me for more information about the positions and surface process research at UMass. There will also be opportunities to collaborate between these projects as well as with other UMass faculty and scientists at DOE national labs. Field work for both positions will begin in summer 2022.
How to apply:
Graduate students should apply by submitting applications to the UMass-Amherst Graduate School by 5 January 2022: Our department has developed a wholistic approach for evaluating applicants and does not require the GRE. I encourage potential applicants to reach out to me before the deadline and I can provide details regarding the application process.

Post-doctoral researchers should apply by sending a cover letter describing research interests, a CV, and names and contact information of three references to Isaac Larsen ( Review of applications will begin on 1 November and continue until the position is filled.

I encourage individuals from all backgrounds, especially those that are under-represented in the geosciences, to apply.

About UMass:

UMass Amherst is the Commonwealth's flagship research campus. Located in the Pioneer Valley of western Massachusetts, the town and campus offer a rich cultural environment in a rural setting, with proximity to urban centers. The Department of Geosciences and the School for Earth and Sustainability have a vibrant, critical mass of faculty, postdocs, and students working on physical and chemical processes on Earth's surface and near-surface environments.

UMass Amherst is committed to a policy of equal opportunity without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, age, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, disability, military status, or genetic information in employment, admission to and participation in academic programs, activities, and services, and the selection of vendors who provide services or products to the University.  To fulfill that policy, UMass Amherst is further committed to a program of affirmative action to eliminate or mitigate artificial barriers and to increase opportunities for the recruitment and advancement of qualified minorities, women, persons with disabilities, and covered veterans.  It is the policy of the UMass Amherst to comply with the applicable federal and state statutes, rules, and regulations concerning equal opportunity and affirmative action.

Isaac Larsen

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