Research Topics:
The science themes that form the nucleus of the Mo'orea Coral Reef LTER program include:
- the biological bases for variation in ecological performance of stony corals (the foundational group);
- population dynamics of key groups;
- food web and nutrient dynamics; and
- maintenance and functional consequences of diversity.
Two additional research components cut across these themes:
- (a) an explicit focus on physical – biological coupling over multiple scales; and
- (b) physical and ecological models to synthesize field results and obtain generality.
Identified issues within each thematic area will be explored through focused, process-oriented studies and by long-term experiments and time series of key abiotic conditions, ecosystem functions, and community and population attributes of major functional groups.
The Mo'orea Coral Reef LTER is located on the island of Moorea 20 km northwest of the main island of Tahiti, French Polynesia. Moorea is a high, 1.2 million year old volcanic island surrounded by a well developed coral reef and lagoon system. Read More
The Moorea Coral Reef LTER was established in September 2004.