The CZO of Mayotte is a tropical volcanic island located in the Indian Ocean. Mayotte has an area of 375 km² surrounded by 1100km² of lagoon, an average annual temperature of 25.6 ° C, the average rainfall ranges from 1000 mm to 2000 mm on the highest peaks. The lithology is mainly composed of multilayer basaltic lava flows with phonolitic domes and pyroclastic flows. The weathered profiles are frequently impacted by old hydrothermal circulations on volcanic edifices (4-10 Ma).
The CZO of Mayotte focuses on erosion study with multi-disciplinary approaches (geology, airborne geophysics, geochemistry, geomorphology, hydrogeology…) to better understand impacts of agriculture and urban erosion on the lagoon.
PI: Sétareh RAD (s.rad@brgm.fr, BRGM, French Geological Survey)