CZO BVET is INSU- and IRD-labeled. It is a monitoring tool that aims to increase our knowledge regarding the continental water and biogeochemical cycles and the dynamics of weathering processes in tropical environments. It is also dedicated to the study of anthropogenic impacts on the natural environment. These goals are achieved by the combined use of hydrological, geophysical, mineralogical, geochemical methods and modeling.
The monitoring of the Cameroon site is operated by personnels from the Yaoundé University and the CRH/IRGM, Yaoundé, Cameroon. The monitoring strategy is based on the acquisition of time series of climate, hydrology and geochemical data in tropical ecosystems from the Upper Nyong watershed. The integration of complementary spatial scales is privileged: (1) at the local scale, with Small Experimental Watershed (SEW) from 1 km2 devoted to process-based studies; (2) at the regional scale, from 1,000 to 10,000 km2, devoted to the quantification of fluxes of dissolved and particulate matters. A network of nested sub-basins within the Nyong River Basin (18,500 km2) in tropical humid forest mildly impacted by anthropogenic activities on the South Cameroon Plateau. The network is comprised of the Nsimi SEW (0.6 km2), and the sampling/gauging stations of Messam on the Awout River (206 km2), Pont So’o on the So’o River (3000 km2), and Mbalmayo (13,500 km2), Olama (18,500 km2) on the Nyong River.
Also member of OZCAR Research Infrastructure