The Kane Experimental Forest was established on March 23, 1932, though research had begun as early as 1927. Its primary mission has been forest management research, though watershed research was included in the beginning and wildlife research is part of the current program. Ongoing long-term studies include individual tree and understory vegetation measurements; treatments such as thinnings, regeneration cuts, uneven-age cuts, and long-term measurements of unmanaged forest. The Kane is used heavily for training and tours for educational, professional, and landowner groups. National Atmospheric Deposition Program data have been collected at the forest since 1978.
Climate - MAP = 1,100 mm;
Soils - Soils are derived from sandstones and shales that are unglaciated, often with a fragipan.
Vegetation - Tree species include black cherry, sugar and red maple, American beech, eastern hemlock, sweet birch, striped maple.
Research - established in 1932
Facilities - two small bunkhouses, a small office, a garage, a 1930s-era blacksmith shop, a shed, and a prefab classroom/conference facility erected in 1985.
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