Interested in river corridors, watersheds, biogeochemistry, or open science? We’re looking for your guidance! Please join us on February 4th at 8-9am PST for discussion on @WHONDRS ( crowdsourced sampling.
The sampling is informed by artificial intelligence models developed by Parallel Works ( using open data from the WHONDRS consortium and other community resources. The science goal is understanding riverbed sediment biogeochemistry through continental-scale iteration between models and data. For more information on the project and how you can benefit from engaging, please visit
Some reasons you might gain value from engaging:
1) Help shape how this effort openly collaborates with you and other stakeholders.
2) Guide and/or help enhance educational opportunities for you, your teams/students, and other scientists.
3) Help advance river corridor science through development of transferable knowledge and predictive models.
4) Generate data (for free) from your field site to support your publications and proposals.
This effort follows ICON Science principles to be intentionally Integrated, Coordinated, Open, and Networked ( ICON principles are used to build transferable knowledge with a broad range of stakeholders. We are looking for feedback from you and others on how we can maximize mutual benefit (e.g., identification of data types that are high-value to multiple stakeholders and finding ways to increase transparency to enable others to engage).
Please join us on February 4th at 8-9am PST for the second open discussion of this effort. We received feedback during the initial open community call in December 2021 (consider watching the recording here In turn, we made changes to the study design, science questions, and sampling details. On Feb 4th we are hoping for additional feedback and to connect with people interested in helping to collect samples and/or work with the resulting open data.
Anyone can join by registering at this link (
Please reach out with any questions or ideas via email, connect via Twitter @WHONDRS, and consider sending this along to interested colleagues.
Hope to see you there,
Amy Goldman and James Stegen
Pacific Northwest National Lab
![Join us Feb 4, 8-9am PST for an open call to discuss ICON-ModEx science](