Title | Ideas and perspectives: Strengthening the biogeosciences in environmental research networks |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Authors | Richter DD, Billings SA, Groffman PM, Kelly EF, Lohse KA, McDowell WH, White TS, Anderson S, Baldocchi DD, Banwart S, Brantley S, Braun JJ, Brecheisen ZS, Cook CW, Hartnett HE, Hobbie SE, Gaillardet J, Jobbagy E, Jungkunst HF, Kazanski CE, Krishnaswamy J, Markewitz D, O'Neill K, Riebe CS, Schroeder P, Siebe C, Silver WL, Thompson A, Verhoef A, Zhang G |

CZEN relationship to CZNet
CZEN worked closely with the former Critical Zone Observatories (CZO) NSF national program that focused on 9 U.S observatories and served the critical zone science community through research, infrastructure, data, and models. In December 2020, the CZO program was succeeded by the Critical Zone Collaborative Network (CZNet).