Goldschmidt 2017 — Free Deep Carbon Observatory Workshop: Keep Your Samples Alive (and Connected)!

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Wednesday, July 26, 2017 - 12:45

Does your research involve collecting, analyzing, and storing physical samples such as rock or mineral specimens, cores of sediment, soil, ice, and other materials, and water or gas samples? If the answer is yes, please join us for a lunch workshop at the 2017 Goldschmidt Conference to learn about tools available for registering your samples. You also will learn about the benefits of building your personal sample catalog and the value of using the International Geo Sample Number (IGSN) for citing samples in publications.

Join us for a free lunch and workshop on Tuesday, 15 August 2017, from 12:45-14:30 in room 341. The workshop, led by Kerstin Lehnert (Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, USA) will include a demonstration of existing online tools for sample registration and time for questions and discussion.  Don’t miss this valuable opportunity to make sense of your samples!

The Deep Carbon Observatory, the System for Earth Sample Registration (, the iSamples Research Coordination Network, and IGSN are sponsors of the workshop. For additional information about sample registration is available here.

Learn more and register for this workshop here

See more CZ related sessions at Goldschmidt 2017:

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