The FNQ Rainforest SuperSite builds on more than 40 years of observations and research monitoring the physical and biological status of the rainforests of far north Queensland (FNQ). This includes ecosystem monitoring, carbon and water balance experiments, in stream water quantity and quality measurements and OzFlux energy, carbon and water monitoring sites.
The rainforests of FNQ occupy less than 0.2% of Australia’s landmass, yet support more than 10% of its flora, 36% of its mammals and 48% of its birds. The last remnants of the rainforests which formerly covered most of the continent, these globally significant World Heritage communities are also a repository for many ancestral lineages of the iconic species of Australia today, including the kangaroos and the eucalypts.
The Robson Creek site lies on the Atherton Tablelands in the wet tropical rainforests of Australia (17.121 S, 145.634 E) at 680-740 m elevation. It is situated in Danbulla National Park within the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area. The climate is seasonal with approximately 60% of rain falling between January – March and the landform is moderately inclined with a low relief although the Lamb Range rises sharply to 1276 m asl immediately to the north of the plot.
The Wet Tropics Bioregion of Australia is situated on the north-eastern coast of Queensland, between Cooktown to the north and Townsville to the south. Approximately 40% (7200 km2) of the region is covered by rainforest. Features of the region include very high plant and animal endemism, characteristics of both Gondwanan and Indo-Malaysian forests, and frequent cyclonic disturbance. To the north, south and west of the bioregion the climate becomes drier and the vegetation quickly grades to woodland.