WELCOME to the Calhoun CZO website and listserve hosted on CZEN.ORG (starting Oct 1 2013).
This "Calhoun CZEN.ORG" website facilitates communication amongst CCZO PIs, students, and staff and accumulates a record of project activities, documents, notes, and images.
It is EASY to post documents and email our CCZO team via "Create content".
First, in right-hand column, click "Create content", then select a content type (General Annoucement, News, Dataset, Event, etc.). Select 'Calhoun CZO' as the Group Audience. Fill out a very short form, and at the bottom of the page, click submit.
Click 'Private' under Group content visibility to send an email to only the Calzones about your posting.
Group leader name(s): Dan Richter & Amilcare Porporato