
Found 169 results
.  2005.  AlMNet - the Alabama Mesonet.
Waldrop M., Harden J.W, McGuire D., Turetsky M.R.  2005.  Carbon in the Critical Zone: Biogeochemical Fluxes and Microbial Communities in a Moisture Gradient and Moisture Manipulation at the Bonanza Creek LTER, Alaska.
Bellamy P, Loveland P, R. Bradley I, R. Lark M, Kirk GJD.  2005.  Carbon losses from all soils across England and Wales 1978–2003. Nature. 437:245-248.
Fimmen R, Richter D, Bernhardt E, Hatcher P, Vasudevan D, Williams M, West L.  2005.  Carbon-Iron Redox Reactions That Drive Mineral Weathering.
Blum A.  2005.  Chronosequence of moraines in the French Alps.
Makarewicz J, Bosh I, Simon R, Vodacek T.  2005.  Conesus Lake Watershed Proposed CZEN Site.
Kumar P.  2005.  Critical Zone Exploration in Intensively Managed Landscapes: Study Sites in the Illinois River Basin.
WSSC WSystem Sci.  2005.  Critical Zone Exploration Network.
Brantley S.L, White A.F, Derry L., Chadwick O., Anderson S., Richter D., Firestone M., Kirchner J., Chorover J., April R. et al..  2005.  The Critical Zone Exploration Network: A Tool For Understanding Earth’s Weathering Engine. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. :H4+.
Brantley S, White T.  2005.  CZEN poster from Delaware meeting.
Peters J.  2005.  CZEN Site: Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia.
Williams M, Ivester A, Whitman W, Xia K, Tarlara S.  2005.  Dune Soil Chronosequences of South Georgia.
Sparks D, Brantley S, Chorover J, Firestone M, Richter D, White A.  2005.  Frontiers in Exploration of the Critical Zone- Workshop Program.
Gaillardet J, Dessert C, Louvat P, Metivier F, Lajeunesse E.  2005.  Guadeloupe Island: a potential CZEN stie in volcanic context.
Chadwick O, Derry L, Chorover J, Vitousek P.  2005.  Hawaii as a Multifunctional CZEN Site.
Verburg P, McDonald E, Nowak R, Smith S, Young M.  2005.  High and Dry: Deserts as part of the Critical Zone Exploration Network.
Wilkinson B.H.  2005.  Humans as geologic agents: a deep-time perspective.. Geology. 33:161-164.
Rasmussen C, Crimmins M, Meixner T, Chorover J, Schwartz E.  2005.  Impact of Climate on Soil Biogeochemistry and Water Quality Across a Semi-Arid Environmental Gradient.
Al-Kaisi M.M, Thompson M.L, Tabatabai M.A.  2005.  Impacts of Human Disturbance of the Critical Zone on Biogeochemical Cycling.
.  2005.  Mancos Shale Landscapes: Science and Management of Black Shale Terrains.
Amundson R, Traina S, Harden J.  2005.  The Merced River Chronosquence: A Staircase Through Time and a Window into Human Disturbance of Biogeochemistry.
White T., Miller D., Pollard D., Waltman W., Ciolkosz E., Graham R., Barnosky T., Odoni N..  2005.  Middle Miocene landscape reconstruction of North America: weathering, soil fertility and the hydrologic cycle of a globally warm earth.
Pope G, Bien W, Gorring M, Beyer P, Demitroff M.  2005.  The New Jersey Pine Barrens: A proposed site for the Critical Zone Exploration Network.