
Found 169 results
.  2008.  Critical Zone Exploration Network (CZEN): The Merced River - Central Sierra Nevada Granitic Age and Climate Gradients.
Anderson S.  2008.  Critical Zone Observatories - Presentation at Geochemistry of Earths Surface meeting (GES8) in London England.
.  2008.  Critical Zone Ontology.
Dosseto A, Turner S, Chappell J.  2008.  The evolution of weathering profiles through time: New insights from uranium-series isotopes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
Fornadel A., Mathur R., Brantley S..  2008.  Geochemical analysis of soil developed on the Marcellus Shale in Central PA..
Derry L.  2008.  Hawaiian Islands CZEN Project proposal.
Brantley S.  2008.  Introduction and CZEN Overview (presented at 2008 Goldschmidt).
Robertson G.P.  2008.  LT ecological research - reinventing network science. Frontiers in Ecology. 6:281.
Raymond P.A, Oh N.H, Turner R.E, Broussard W..  2008.  Mississippi River Carbonate Loads. Anthropogenically enhanced fluxes of water and carbon on the Mississippi River. 451:449-452.
Papanicolaou A.N(Thanos, Elhakeem M, Wilson CG, C. Burras L, Oneal B.  2008.  Observations of Soils at the Hillslope Scale in the Clear Creek Watershed in Iowa, USA. Soil Survey Horizons. 49
Rasmussen C.  2008.  Quantifying Controls of Regolith Development across the Sonoran Desert Environmental Gradient: A Semiarid Node of the Critical Zone Exploration Network.
Papanicolaou A.N(Thanos, Abaci O.  2008.  Upland Erosion Modeling in a Semihumid Environment via the Water Erosion Prediction Project Model. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 134
Brantley S.  2008.  Using a Critical Zone Exploration Network to Quantify Controls on Earth’s Regolith.