CZEN relationship to CZNet
CZEN worked closely with the former Critical Zone Observatories (CZO) NSF national program that focused on 9 U.S observatories and served the critical zone science community through research, infrastructure, data, and models. In December 2020, the CZO program was succeeded by the Critical Zone Collaborative Network (CZNet).
Found 169 results
The delicate balance between soil production and erosion, and its role on landscape evolution. Applied Geochemistry. 26
2011. .
2011. A field-scale transplantation experiment to investigate structures of soil bacterial communities at pioneering sites. Applied and Environmental Microbiology.
2011. Mining soil databases for landscape-scale patterns in the abundance and size distribution of hillslope rock fragments. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 37:287-300.
2011. Overview and first results of ecological monitoring at the artificial watershed Chicken Creek (Germany). Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 36
2011. Patterns and processes of initial terrestrial-ecosystem development. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 174
2011. .
2011. .
2011. Where microorganisms meet rocks in the Earth’s Critical Zone. Biogeosciences. 8
2011. Abundances and potential activities of nitrogen cycling microbial communities along a chronosequence of a glacier forefield. ISME J. doi:10.1038/ismej.2010.184
2010. The artificial catchment ’Hühnerwasser’ (Chicken Creek): Construction and initial properties. Ecosystem Development.
2010. .
2010. Ecosystem Manipulation and Restoration on the Basis of Long-Term Conceptions. Long-Term Ecological Research Between Theory and Application. :411-428.
2010. Evidence for biotic controls on topography and soil production. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 298
2010. Initial development of the artificial catchment "Chicken Creek" - monitoring program and survey 2005-2008. Ecosystem Development.
2010. Mineral weathering and elemental transport during hillslope evolution at the Susquehanna/Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 74:3691.
2010. A new direction in effective accounting for the atmospheric CO2 budget: Considering the combined action of carbonate dissolution, the global water cycle and photosynthetic uptake of DIC by aquatic organisms. Earth-science Reviews. 99:162-172.
2010. Pioneer communities in the forefields of retreating glaciers: how microbes adapt to a challenging environment. Current Research, Technology and Education Topics in Applied Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology. Vol. 1:43-52.
2010. Strong climate and tectonic control on plagioclase weathering in granitic terrain. Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
2010. The artificial catchment "Chicken Creek" (Lusatia, Germany) - A landscape laboratory for interdisciplinary studies of initial ecosystem development. Ecological Engineering. 35
2009. Bacterial community structure of glacier forefields on siliceous and calcareous bedrock. European Journal of Soil Science. 60
2009. Climate-driven processes of hillslope weathering. Geology. 37
2009. The critical role of climate and saprolite weathering in landscape evolution. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 34
2009. Estimation of the Runoff Curve Number via Direct Rainfall Simulator Measurements. Water Resources Management. 23
2009. .