Student Opportunity

CZ-TOP Project in France seeks Postdoctoral and Ph.D. Candidates

Funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR), a new CZ research project, “CZ-TOP”, seeks to integrate stable isotope tracers with reactive transport and non-steady state hydrologic modeling to gain an improved understanding of the processes that control concentration-discharge relationships in watersheds. The project will have positions available for two post-doctoral scholars and at least one Ph.D.

Student grants available for 2018 Goldschmidt Conference in Boston — Apply by May 11th

The Geochemical Society, as part of ongoing efforts to increase diversity in the geosciences, is seeking applications for student grants to attend the 2018 Goldschmidt Conference in Boston, August 12-18. The grants, supported by the National Science Foundation, are designed to facilitate participation by U.S. students from backgrounds or institutions that are underrepresented at the meeting.

University of Iowa NSF REU Opportunity: Interdisciplinary Geospatial Approaches to Watershed Science

Announcing a National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates (NSF-REU) in Geography and Spatial Sciences at The University of Iowa for the summer of 2018.

Deadline to apply is April 15th.

Supporting Material(s): 

Graduate Research Assistantship in soils and geochemistry of the Critical Zone in Alaska

The University of Alaska Fairbanks is seeking a graduate research assistant (M.S.) to study mineral weathering, soil development, and clay mineralogy in forested ecosystems of the Alaskan coastal temperate rainforest. The study is part of a broader investigation of critical zone processes in southeast Alaska focused on the Heen Latinee Experimental Forest (

CZO SAVI & French OZCAR Scholars Program — Proposal deadline March 26th

This announcement is an open solicitation for applications by graduate students or postgraduates at US universities to receive funds for international travel to French Critical Zone Observatories during 2018. A similar program of research-related travel awards is being offered by France to support travel by their students to U.S. CZOs.

Supporting Material(s): 

PhD Studentship - mineral nutrient fluxes in soils/sustainable agriculture


University of Bristol, Department of Sustainable Agriculture Sciences, in collaboration with the School of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol, Rothamstead Research, and Alltech. 

*Note that the ideal candidate will have a background in geochemistry, biogeochemistry, or similar, and have an interest in sustainable agriculture.

Goldschmidt 2018 Student and Early Career Grants

Goldschmidt 2018 Student and Early Career Grants

The Geochemical Society is actively seeking applications for student and early career grants to attend the 2018 Goldschmidt Conference in Boston. The society is significantly increasing the amount of funding available this year to support student/early career participation, as detailed below.

Apply by March 30 if you meet any of these criteria: