Student Opportunity

MS and PhD student opportunities

The University of Nevada, Las Vegas Geoscience Department is seeking applicants for its MS and PhD programs for Spring and Fall of 2019.  Applications are due October 1, 2018 for Spring 2019 and February 1, 2019 for Fall 2019.  More information can be found here about the department:  and the admissions process:

Two Doctoral Fellowships at Baylor University: Institute of Ecological Earth and Environmental Sciences

Baylor University’s Institute for Ecological, Earth, and Environmental sciences is seeking two outstanding students for three-year doctoral research assistantships. Both positions begin in August 2019. Applicants are encouraged to contact faculty fellow(s) to discuss areas of mutual research interest. Stipend for the academic year, summer stipend, tuition, and health insurance are provided.

MS and PhD positions in Environmental Geochemistry

The Environmental Geochemistry group in the Department of Geology at Kent State University is inviting applications for MS and PhD students.

Dr. Elizabeth Herndon is seeking graduate students for an NSF-funded project on manganese biogeochemistry and impacts on carbon cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. Projects will include a combination of field work, laboratory experiments, and analytical and spectroscopic analyses. A strong background in chemistry is desired.

University of Wyoming – PhD assistantships in Critical Zone Hydrology/Geophysics

Two three-year PhD assistantships in Hydrology/Geophysics are available at the University of Wyoming in Laramie. The students will combine hydrological and geophysical field observations with numerical modeling to study snowmelt-driven streamflow generation at the hillslope and small-watershed scales as part of a NSF-funded project titled “Subsurface structure and flow regime for Rocky Mountain hillslopes with different geologies”. The intended starting date is Sep. 2018 or Jan. 2019.

Forensic Chemist; US EPA; Denver Colorado

Please distribute widely this announcement for an EPA intro level job, great for anyone with GS 13 potential! Denver is a great place to live and an awesome job working for EPA as a forensic chemist. Although the job announcement leans towards organic chemistry we encourage inorganic chemist to apply as well. We are looking for complementary skill sets.

PHD opportunity in Hydrology

The Hydrology Research Group at Duke University is looking for highly motivated PhD students in the field of hydrological processes, data analytics, optimization and modeling. Projects in the research group seek to provide information on the interaction between climate, vegetation, land use, topography and hydro-geology on the spatio-temporal variability of surface and subsurface hydrologic processes.

3 PhD Opportunities in Remote Sensing of Vegetation and Snow in Mid- to High-Latitude Ecosystems

3 PhD Opportunities in Remote Sensing of Vegetation and Snow in Mid- to High-Latitude Ecosystems

Graduate Research Assistantships (PhD) Available to Study Remote Sensing of Vegetation and Snow at Boise State University