Student Opportunity

!! Two graduate positions available on groundwater and agriculture decision science !!

We are recruiting two graduate students (M.S./Ph.D. track) to begin in summer/fall 2022 to contribute to a new project studying how farmers, water managers, and scientists understand and use groundwater models to support water use decisions.

Pan Postdoctoral Fellowship - Rice University

The Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences at Rice University is inviting applications for the Pan Postdoctoral Research Fellowship. We are seeking candidates with independent research interests that intersect with one or more faculty within our department and who contribute positively to the diversity of the department through outreach or other means. Both domestic and international applicants are welcome. A Ph.D.

PhD and post-doc opportunities in surficial processes at UMass-Amherst

I am seeking a PhD student and a post-doctoral researcher to join the geomorphology group at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. The student and post-doc will work on a project funded by the U.S. Department of Energy at the East River watershed near Crested Butte, Colorado:

The University of Nevada, Las Vegas Geoscience Department is seeking applicants for its MS and PhD programs for Spring and Fall of 2022.

The University of Nevada, Las Vegas Geoscience Department is seeking applicants for its MS and PhD programs for Spring and Fall of 2022.  Applications are due October 1, 2021 for Spring 2022 and February 1, 2022 for Fall 2022.  More information can be found here about the department:  and the admissions process:

M.S. opportunity, ecohydrology for sustainable agriculture, University of Kansas

Description: The HydroEcology of Anthropogenic Landscapes group at the Kansas Geological Survey (HEAL@KGS) is searching for an M.S. student interested in applying cutting-edge hydrologic, agronomic, and data science techniques to address real-world challenges.

Doctoral Research Opportunity starting Fall 2021

University of Arizona is looking for a PhD student to work on the project entitled “Rock-plant interactions driving early soil development and landscape evolution”. The work will examine the effect of vascular plants and plant-microbe interactions on weathering reactions in the basalt rock as a result of water flow and plant development, as well as feedbacks to plant emergence and growth. It will be conducted at the Landscape Evolution Observatory at Biosphere 2.

PhD opportunity: Dynamics of organic and inorganic carbon in carbonate soils

The Rock-Eval® (RE) thermal analysis was developed at IFPEN during the 1970’s as a standard benchmark tool in oil exploration, and became more and more frequently used during the last 20 years in soil science in order to characterize soil organic matter and its thermal stability. While soil organic carbon (C) is a well-established research topic in agriculture and climate concerns, inorganic C remains disregarded.

PhD Position in Soil and Watershed Biogeochemistry at Idaho State University

Kathleen Lohse’s Soil and Watershed Biogeochemistry laboratory at Idaho State University is looking for a highly motivated Ph.D. student to start in the fall of 2021 or Jan 2022. Research in the lab focuses on soil and watershed biogeochemistry with research interests in hydrology and biogeochemical interactions (

Graduate assistantship opportunity at Oregon State University

There is a graduate assistantship opportunity in the Department of Crop and Soil Science at Oregon State University. This position focuses on nutrient/water management and soil health for irrigated crops. Feel free to circulate this information to someone who might be interested in it. For more information about this position, please contact Dr. Ruijun Qin (