Student Opportunity

Environmental and Earth Science Summer Research Opportunities at Biosphere 2

 “Environmental and Earth Systems Research at Biosphere 2” ( is a 10-week summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. Students participate in a variety of activities that will help them pursue a career in environmental sciences.

Geohydrology Internship Program (paid summer research for undergrad or grad students)

The Kansas Geological Survey's Geohydrology Internship Program is hiring 3-5 interns for summer 2022 to contribute to a variety of projects including investigating water quantity and quality in intermittent streams; using remotely sensed data and crop models to evaluating irrigation management for groundwater sustainability; and characterizing the drivers of water availability and water quality in the Kansas River corridor.

More transferable, open, and equitable science via ICON (AGU town hall this Thursday)

Interested in open science, transferability of research, scientific equity, and magnifying the impact of your work? Please join us December 9th at 9:15-10:15 am PST for a virtual AGU Fall Meeting town hall about the ICON Science Cooperative (


Learn about the ICON principles and how the Cooperative can help you use these principles to benefit your science and the science of those around you.


PhD opportunity at Johns Hopkins

I am looking to recruit a PhD student to begin Fall 2022 at Johns Hopkins. Please encourage any promising students you know to apply!

There are opportunities to work on topics from a wide range of potential areas, including environmental physics, geophysics, fluid mechanics, physical processes in hydrology, geomorphology, solute transport, isotope hydrology, and ecohydrology

Syracuse University: Graduate Assistantships in Earth Sciences

The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Syracuse University invites applications for full-time M.S. and Ph.D. students starting in August 2022. Interdisciplinary research opportunities leading to M.S. and Ph.D. degrees include: biogeochemistry, computational geophysics, environmental geology, geomorphology, global environmental change, hydrogeology and hydrology, isotope geochemistry, paleobiology, paleolimnology, petrology, sedimentology, tectonics, and thermochronology.

3x M.S./Ph.D. positions on water, agriculture, and communities in the eastern Great Plains

We are recruiting up to three graduate students (M.S. or Ph.D.) to begin in summer/fall 2022 for a new USDA-funded project investigating how agriculture, water, and communities in the eastern Great Plains can manage and adapt to future climate conditions.

Doctoral Research Opportunity

University of Arizona is looking for a PhD student to work on the project entitled “Rock-plant interactions driving early soil development and landscape evolution”. The work will examine weathering reactions in the basalt rock as a result of water flow, microbial community and plant development, as well as feedbacks to plant emergence and growth. It will be conducted at the Landscape Evolution Observatory at Biosphere 2.