Student Opportunity

PhD Position - Permafrost Evolution and Geochemistry

We are recruiting a PhD student to work on a funded project exploring Permafrost development and soil geochemistry on hillslopes of Interior Alaska. This NSF-funded project investigates the age and geochemistry of ice and sediment in subarctic soils and the associated impacts on carbon storage.

Graduate student opportunities in critical zone science at University of Connecticut

The Critical Zone Geoscience Lab in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Connecticut is recruiting graduate students at the MS or Ph.D. level. The lab is led by Dr. Russell Callahan and research projects in the lab will focus on understanding connections between subsurface weathering, hydrology, ecosystems, and surface processes. Research methods will include measurements of subsurface weathering from geophysical surveys, excavations, and boreholes.

Invitation to Discuss WHONDRS ICON-ModEx: Crowdsourcing, AI/ML, Remote Sensing Integration

If you’re interested in rivers, crowdsourcing, artificial intelligence, remote sensing, and/or open science please join us on June 09, 2023 8:00-9:00 am PT to discuss the WHONDRS ICON-ModEx project that puts all these elements together ( The science goal is understanding riverbed sediment biogeochemistry through continental-scale iteration between models and data.

Invitation to engage in river corridor crowdsourced science and engage about benefits to your classroom

Are you interested in river corridors, watersheds, biogeochemistry, or open science? Are you an educator looking for opportunities for your students to engage in active research studies? Are you looking for researchers who can engage with your students? Are you a student interested in these topics? 

Environmental and Earth Systems Undergraduate Research Opportunities at Biosphere 2

“Environmental and Earth Systems Research at Biosphere 2” ( is a 10-week summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. Students participate in a variety of activities that will help them pursue a career in environmental sciences.

2019 Biosphere 2 REU cohort