
Webinar 11th Sep.: Ensemble simulations and data assimilation in the context of high performance scientific computing

Fourth EoCoE webinar planned for the 11th of September 2018 - 10:00 (CEST).

Title: Introduction to ensemble simulations and data assimilation in the context of high performance scientific computing.


Harrie-Jan Hendricks-Franssen, Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH.


Join us tomorrow for a CZO meeting during Goldschmidt 2018 (RSVP required)

Join the U.S. Critical Zone Observatory program for food, drink and discussion during the 2018 Goldschmidt Conference in Boston. This meeting is open to the greater CZ community to discuss ongoing CZO network-level initiatives including data management, common measurements, and potential new cross-site initiatives in anticipation of a new CZO solicitation. 

Legacy N: Biogeochemical, Hydrologic and Environmental Perspectives

Abstract deadline for Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting 2019 – (San Diego, California. January 6th-9th) is approaching!

Please consider submitting to Legacy N: Biogeochemical, Hydrologic and Environmental Perspectives. This is an interdisciplinary session and a critical zone approach is encouraged.

Abstract Deadline – August 7th 2018

AGU2018 - PA027 How Does Your Geoscience Research Matter, and Can You Explain How It Matters to Other Scientists and the Public?

Dear Colleagues:

Don’t just present your research at the AGU meeting, take the challenge to present it in a lightning talk in language the public and policy decision makers can understand.

If you have already submitted an abstract, you can still submit one to public affairs.  Please consider submitting an abstract to PA027 “How Does Your Geoscience Research Matter, and Can You Explain How It Matters to Other Scientists and the Public?”

Interdisciplinary conference "Critical Zone" — Hamburg, Germany in February 2019.

An international interdisciplinary conference "CRITICAL ZONE" which will take place in Hamburg, Germany on 21-22 February 2019.  Inspired by the works of Bruno Latour the conference seeks to explore the image-theoretical implications of the critical zone concept, asking i.e.

Supporting Material(s): 

Legacy N: Biogeochemical, Hydrologic and Environmental Perspectives

The upcoming Soil Science Society of America 2019 'Soils across latitudes' meeting in San Diego, California will include a topical session on Legacy N: Biogeochemical, Hydrologic and Environmental Perspectives. Legacy nitrogen in soils, sediment and surface/groundwaterbodies is increasingly recognized as an impediment to water quality goals, and remains difficult to quantify at a variety of scales.